Magick is real whether you choose to believe in it or not. Some will say that magick cannot be done or should not be done. For the weak, ignorant, and gullible these warnings could not be more true. In a world of meltdown mania, news reports, scams, and obscure revelations guerrilla magick is needed to protect the masses. This site is a grimoire of stories, magickal terrorism, poetry and general extremism for those who wish to survive the oncoming onslaught of a neoliberal fascist hellscape. This isn't about ideas. It is about something a lot more uncomfortable. It's about fighting a hopeless fight. These days there are people who are unapologetically doing violence against people in the name of wildness. Sheer joy, despite the ape hubris at this stage of doing anything at all. Eco-terrorism? Ha! Just wait: Gaia will prove the ultimate terrorist, no one needs so much as lift a finger now, it is all over but the crying. Prepare to die. The machine is more powerful than it's ever been; it's literally chewing you from the legs up. And you're laughing... They are sure to fail but out of their ashes we can hope to inspire and unite. Many have tried to break me down but none will break my spirit. Good luck, you'll need it!